ManualNoConnect=NO CONNECTION FOUND!^Please make sure that you have manually connected to the internet before clicking on: Launch Browser. ^^Would You like to try again?
UserMsgLooking=Looking for internet connection....
UninstallMsg=Warning...You are about to remove this product. Proceed?
ReinstallMsg=Warning... You are about to overwrite your game. Saved games may be deleted. Proceed?
ConnectMsg=Unable to automatically connect to the Internet.^Would you like instruction on how to connect manually?
ConnectHdr=Internet Access
AVIErrorHdr=AVI Problem
AVIFailureMessage=Unable to play AVI file.
NoRemoteConnection=No remote access connection found. Please log-onto the internet before continuing.
NoModem=We are unable to find a modem or other connection device.^Perhaps you modem is not turned on.^^Would you like instructions on how to connect manually?
PasswordMsg=Please enter a password before continuing.
UserLoginMsg=Please enter a Login Name before continuing.
UserName=User Name:
ProblemWithConnect=Unable to connect. Please check your password or User ID and try again.
CloseBrowserMsg=Would you like to close your browser?
NoBrowser=Unable to find Internet Browser.
LibFailure=System Libraries unavailable.
NoDialUpEntries=We are unable to find a dial-up entry.^Would you like instructions on how to connect manually?
UserAborted=User aborted internet access
MinColorsMsg=Please set your system to display at least 256 colors.